Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life @ the moment..

Where does the time go?? It's so hard to believe that I'm already 22 weeks pregnant! I went yesterday for a checkup, everything is great..I'm measuring right at 22 weeks, her little heartbeat was in the 150's, and my weight gain is right on track..bleh. The doctor said that I was doing good as far as my weight goes...but I guess there's just always such a negative attitude toward gaining weight, so its hard for me to get past that when I go to the doctor every 4 weeks and I've gained weight. :/ JW says I need to get over that and that I look great..as he says "Honey, you have a human being growing inside of you.." and I know he's right, the "woman" in me just makes it hard. Everybody tells me that I dont even look that pregnant yet, I dont know whether to take that as a compliment or not? Hhmm. Other news..we are in the middle of buying a house :) Its been exciting, scary, frustrating, and all of the above..we are set to close on it August 27th, I will have pictures up soon. We are THRILLED to be moving into a bigger house, we've already sold the trailer, to exactly who we wanted to have it..and everything is running so smoothly, we can deffinately tell that God has his hands all over this. :) I prayed to him when we started this process that if it wasnt meant to be, for him to shut the door loud enough for us to hear it..well, the door is still wide open :) This brings us more comfort than anything. I start back to work next week, I'm looking forward to seeing everybody, and especially seeing my precious children! I cant wait to walk in and hear "bicky bicky bicky!" :) They light up my world.

On another note, one year ago today, I lost probably the "oldest friend" that I have. Meaning that we had been friends for as long as I can remember, since we were infants. It's still so hard to believe that he's gone. Corey meant so much to me and I have so many memories growing up with him...being at Ms.Pats, playing hide and got seek there, inside, and breaking the sink! (oops)..him and his dear daddy picking me up in that Ford Fairlane and going for rides, going with my grandma to the nursing home to see my great grandma EVERY Sunday without fail when we were little..as we got older, crazy memories in grade school, and high school..and then the sweetest memories were right before Corey passed, listening to him preach, and I remember being SO proud to be there, and being there to witness what a turn-around his life had done. Christmas eve of 2008, I went to his first service, it is one that I will ALWAYS remember, before he started his sermon, he pointed me out in front of the whole entire congregation...at that point I was balling, and really could have killed him..but looking back now, its one of the memories that I will never forget. It's funny the way that God works..never in a million years would I have thought all those years ago when we were sneaking around the house in the middle of the night putting shaving cream in Melissa's sink, that all of these years later I would be moving in next door to his mom, and that Corey and his dad would both be in heaven. I will never forget that day when my mom and dad came over to tell me the news..I could tell by the expression on their faces that something was wrong, when daddy finally got the words out, I dropped to my knees crying, there was no consoling me..I know it's not for me to question, but not a day goes by that I don't wonder why the Lord chose to take him at such an exciting time in his life, when he was going to college to be a preacher and following in his footsteps. I miss him, and I dont know that there will ever be a day when I dont.
<3 you Corey Scott Mitchell.