Saturday, December 11, 2010

Our time is near..

Well, I am officially 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant! I went to the doctor on Thursday...still only 1 cm dilated..ugh. However, the week before that we found out that I had too much amniotic fluid. I was actually measuring more than I should have, so after an ultrasound..and finding out that we are going to have a chubby little girl on our hands, with lots of hair (hopefully red!), they realized that I had too much amniotic fluid. They hooked me up to the fetal monitoring machines for about 45 minutes to monitor her heart rate and movement..which was scary, only because I haven't had any problems up until now. Her movement and heart rate were both good and strong. When I went back this past Thursday, they measured the fluid again, and it had actually gone down some, praise the Lord! I still have too much, but not as much. I go back to the doctor on Tuesday, my due date..if she doesn't decide to make her appearance before then! We are trying to be so patient, but at the same time are so ready..the bags are packed, in the car, the car seat is installed, the crib and cradle are ready..all we need now is a baby! If you know me, you know that I'm a "planner"..and the "not knowing" part of when I'm going to deliver, is the hardest part of all. We are going Christmas shopping today, so maybe I will "walk her out" :)

December brings lots of exciting things for us..of course Addison and Christmas, and Jaden & Leah are coming to visit from CA! They will be here for almost 5 whole days!! :) Seeing as though we used to see each other at least once a month (if not more), and now its been more like 8 months, we are VERY excited to see them!

I woke up yesterday morning feeling abundantly blessed...I feel blessed everyday and thank the Lord for all of his many amazing blessings, but yesterday morning my heart just felt overly full. The past year has been amazing, of course its had its ups and downs, but overall its been a great year. We've moved into our dream home, we're getting ready to welcome the birth of our baby girl, and I just cant imagine life any better, and I know that all the glory goes to above..for without him we know we would be nothing.

That's about it for now..maybe the next time I blog, we will have a baby to write about :)