Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's a Girl!!

We went to the doctor yesterday for our anatomy ultrasound! Despite what everyone in my family, including me thought..It's A GIRL!!! We are so excited that the Lord is blessing us with a healthy baby girl! The doctor said that everything looked great and is measuring right on track. So, I guess now its time to start planning the nursery and buying pink, pink, pink!

-Her side profile-


-Butt cheeks! It's a Girl!-

Please continue to pray for us as we continue on this journey together! :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Trip to Maryland

I'm writing two blogs today, I've been meaning to write this one since we got home, but just havent had the chance. We went to Maryland last weekend to visit JW's grandparents and had an AWESOME time..its so beautiful there in the mountains and it was so good to see them. We relaxed, went sight-seeing a little, ate, and ate, oh and ate some more..everytime we go there I feel like I've gained 10 pounds before we leave. We got there late on Thursday, so when we got there we just went to bed. We took Gus with us, it was his first trip to Maryland and I have to say, he did a great job and LOVED it there :)

Friday we got to sleep late :) always a plus, and then me and grandma went and got pedicures! I was in DESPERATE need of one! We went out to eat that night and then just played cards, I got my butt kicked, as usual. Saturday we went to Shanksville,PA to the Flight 93 memorial...it was awesome to see all of the memorabilia that people have left behind, the memorial was awesome, but so sad at the same time, that those people had to die because of others.

-These are just a couple of pictures of some of the memorials there-

-We also climbed Dan's Rock that day, the view from there was BEAUTIFUL-

On Sunday we relaxed a little and then got everything packed up to come home...no fireworks for us, but we had a GREAT 4th of July! :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Long time, no blog?

It feels like forever since I've written anything, it has actually been almost a month! Things have been crazy busy..I started working with Christina this summer, she is so amazing, but can be such a handful ;) We actually just got back from the beach yesterday from a little overnight trip to see Mama whos been at the beach all week..lucky duck. I went for my early glucola test on Monday, I got the results on Tuesday and everything looks good!! No diabetes for me! (Not yet anyway, I have to go back at 28 weeks to get another one) But I am hopeful for that one to be negative too :) Everything else with the baby has been going good..we go on July 12th for our ananatomy ultrasound :) JW is SSOOOO anxious and excited to find out what it is, as am I. I just have a feelin its goin to be a boy..I have thought that ever since I found out I was pregnant. :) Of course we will be happy either way, as long as its healthy...you hear so many horror stories about women going in at 40 weeks and there being no heart beat..or other terrible things happening along the way, as a pregnant woman, stories like that can scare you to death :/ I just put my faith in God that this baby will be healthy and happy :)

On another note, JW got a new job :) He starts back to work on July 6th, doing what he does best..but I'm NOT letting him quit school! He's going to do both :) I am so proud of him, and I know that he's going to be a great Dad. We are leaving this afternoon to go visit his grandparents in Maryland for a mini-vacay, just to get away for a couple of days. :) Hopefully at the end of July I will be taking a vacationt to San Diego to see Leah! I am SOOO excited about getting to see her, its been WWWAAAAYYYYY too long since I've seen my best friend. I will be traveling alone, which scares me, but I know that I will make it in one piece :)

Well, I guess thats all for now!