Monday, January 17, 2011

Better late than never..

Well, the title of this blog could be about two things...about me waiting 4 weeks before I've blogged about Addison, or about Addison waiting and waiting to make her entrance into this world! Nevertheless, SHE's HERE! :) She was born on December 21, 2010 (a week late!) and was 9 lb. 4.1 oz. 21 in did JW and I make such a big baby? Who knows, b/c neither of us were that big when we were born. I went into the hospital on Dec. 20th @ 7:00 pm, and was given a cervadil to get my cervix ready, then the morning after was when the real action happend. I was giving pertocin to start labor around 8:00, and then they broke my water about 9:00 that morning. I was a trooper, and didn't get any pain meds until about 1:00, and the epidural about 2:00..I don't know why anybody would go through that without getting an epidural. I was finally 10 cm dilated and ready to start pushing about 5:45, and she was born at 7:16. We could not be happier. She has already brought so much joy into our lives, and it's very hard to believe that tomorrow she will already be 4 weeks old! She is in a little brace, her left hip could be dislocated at birth, it won't dislocate anymore, and is tight in its socket now, but we still have to be in the brace for 12 weeks, so that we dont run the risk of dislocating it again. It's more of a pain for me than it is for her, but we are all looking forward to getting it off..poor baby can't even wear pants :( So we've had to exchange everything for long sleeved onesies. Here are some pictures of us the past 4 weeks, I'll try to not let it be 4 weeks before I post again...

Addison Grace Miller

December 21, 2010 9 lb. 4.1 oz 21 in. long

The morning after she was born, after the doctor came in and put her little braces on.

With Uncle Drew on Christmas Eve

So precious..

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